Thursday, November 18, 2010
How to Have More Energy
What are the most common causes of feeling flat and lethargic?
Distraction and lack of direction in life - Often people carry around so many tasks in their mind that they think they have to do, should have done, could do etc. The mental energy expended just thinking about this never ending to do list can leave you feeling drained, lethargic and completely overwhelmed. In today's fast paced world it is essential we learn how to delegate and not try to take responsibility for everything. I suggest putting this imaginary list on paper, reviewing it and then separate what only you can do from what you know you can give to someone else to do. Once you have done this you will not feel as overwhelmed and immediately more motivated.
To paraphrase David Thoreau, most people are living quite lives of desperation, not invigorating lives of inspiration - not doing what they love nor loving what they do. They aren't grateful so they are putting on the brakes in life and lacking the energy and vitality to live. The body and mind are inseparable in their interactions. We need to be accountable for how our psychology may be affecting our overall health.
Do we lose our energy as we age? If so, why?
I have come to the conclusion that the level of energy one has in life is not so much connected to age or race as it is to state of mind. Naturally when someone is coming to the end of their life and may be more susceptible to disease, they may not have the same reservoir of energy and vitality as someone in their middle ages. But I have seen human dynamos at age 94 to 99 still out do people half their age. The difference was their attitude and zest for life. They found what they love to do and they do it.
Who is most at risk of suffering from a lack of energy?
The people who are in the most risk of 'suffering' a lack of energy are those who do not feel like they are living purposefully; they feel lost, overwhelmed and out of focus. They are scattered and trying to live other people's lives. They are the ones also whose diets and lifestyles are also not all that ideal.
Are there any simple solutions?
1. Know where you are going. Your energy soars when you are clear on your aim and direction in life. When your heart and soul are guiding you energy abounds.
2. Delegate low priority actions to those more suited and inspired to do them.
3. Be thankful. When you are grateful for all that you have rather than dwelling on all that you are lacking, you will discover a very powerful source of energy. Count your blessings daily (Read my earlier book Count Your Blessings - The Healing Power of Gratitude and Love for more insights on the importance of gratitude).
4. Eat moderately. Many people try to perk themselves up by pigging out but this is definitely not the way to do it. It has actually been shown that if you eat less you have an increase in vitality and overall energy. Biological research also shows people who eat less live longer. Walk away from the table a little less full and you will have a lot more spark to do the things you want to do.
5. Eat wholesome nutritious foods - become aware of what you eat. Be sure to "eat to live" not "live to eat".
6. Drink water - lots.
7. Breathe fully and deeply. Use your diaphragm.
8. Connect your vocation with your vacation - if you aren't doing what you love and loving what you do you have the brakes on all the time.
9. Smile. Smiling can change you physiology and make you look up at life.
Dr. Demartini
Monday, October 25, 2010
Total Life Fitness
Total Life fitness is achieved when you empower yourself in all seven areas of life, i.e. physical, mental, career, financial, spiritual, familial and social. Any area of your life you have not empowered (gained fitness in) someone else will overpower you in. By dissolving fear and guilt (which disempowers) and awakening gratitude and appreciation for who you are, you will naturally expand fitness in all areas and reach for higher standards. It is from the foundation of total life fitness that you are better able to clarify your purpose, dissolve conflict, raise self-worth and therefore net-worth, enhance immune function, dissolves stress and have a greater sense of strength and power.
The pain of regret fair outweighs the effort of designing your life and committing to your dreams so start working towards total life fitness today.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Stress to Success Secrets
Of course you know that stress impacts your life - everyone knows that. But what if you could turn that stress into success? What kind of life could you then lead?
The first step to achieving a more successful and fulfilling life is to alleviate stress. The list below comprises the 31 secrets that are your steps to success.
You may be wondering, why are they called "secrets"? Even though some people have heard many of these statements before, few seem to take them to heart and live by them. Their wisdom is simple yet profound, and they are the secrets of the individuals who live more self-actualized lives. Those who implement these secrets daily enjoy empowering inspiration.
Stress-to-Success Secrets
On a daily basis:
1. Write and read your goals.
2. Clear away your goal's obstacles.
3. Prioritize your activities.
4. Act on top priorities.
5. Visualize your success.
6. Write and read your affirmations.
7. Practice deep breathing and stretching.
8. Do selective and collective reading.
9. Groom for success.
10. Dress for success.
11. Love what you do and do what you love.
12. Surround yourself with 'succeeders'.
13. Drink lots of water.
14. Eat light, moderate meals.
15. Reduce the four 'addictors' - coffee, cigarettes, alcohol and sugar.
16. Contract and then relax all muscles.
17. Help others fulfill their goals.
18. Save 5 to 10 percent of your earnings.
19. Write three thank-you letters.
20. Reward yourself for your accomplishments.
21. Express feelings of love.
22. Hug someone special.
23. Clean and organize your environment.
24. Eliminate low-priority 'non-necessities'.
25. Study the subject you'd love to master.
26. Spend time in total meditative silence.
27. Massage your body or scalp.
28. Take a hot bath before retiring.
29. Count your blessings with gratitude.
30. Get a good night's rest.
31. Follow a Stress-to Success Checklist
Dr. Demartini (
Sunday, October 3, 2010
The Art of Saying No
Saying ‘no' when you actually mean 'no' will not only boost your confidence, it sends a message to those around you that your time and energy is just as valuable as theirs and is to be respected.
Reasons why some people find it hard to say the 'no' word:
They do not want to feel guilty
They are fearful of what the other person will think or feel
They have been conditioned to think saying no is cynical or negative
They worry they will miss out on future opportunities
Three ways to master the art of saying 'No'
Buy yourself some time - Rather than simply blurt out 'yes' request time to think about it, may be even sleep on it overnight. This will indicate upfront that you may not be able to make that commitment.
Be Honest with Yourself - Take the time to ask yourself on a scale of 1-10 how much do I really want to do this? If you find it is less than five then consider saying 'no'. It may feel uncomfortable, but it will save you the feeling of deep resentment later when you find yourself doing something you don't want to do.
Realise it is okay to say 'no' - It is important to value yourself, your own needs and desires. Saying 'no' may cause anger to others initially, but it soon turns to respect.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Are You A Leader?
Monday, July 26, 2010
Aligning With Your Core Values
Remember that behaviour doesn’t lie. If health is one of your most precious commodities, then it’s time to be congruent. It’s time to start the little things that make a big difference over time. Drink more clean water, get enough rest, get more exercise, eat more organic foods, and discover your passion for life. In our workshops we often tell people how it took us years to develop the habits we now have that are second nature to us. It took time to start the implementation but it only takes a second to DECIDE what you want. In an instant you can decide that health is one of your highest values and that you’re going to start NOW to take better care of yourself so you can enjoy your later years.
We often comment in our writing that many patients come to us once a process has already begun in the body. Most commonly the issue we see is wear and tear type changes in joints. Notice I didn’t say old age. We more commonly see issues in the body that are the result of neglect vs. the normal aging process that occurs in the body. We have seen many x-rays of 40 year olds that look like 60 year olds and vice versa (so we don’t always buy the old age excuse). Most of the time we can help these people lead more active lives and reduce the discomfort in the body. People will often comment that they wish they started our process earlier. If staying active is high on your value list then caring for your body is a must. In different parts of the world where people live long and healthy lives being physically active is one thing they have in common. Your activity level now and in the future may be one of the biggest factors in how quickly you age. Ensuring optimal alignment of the body and proper function of the joints will be vital to minimizing extra wear and tear and will help you create the activity level that can prolong life.
After being in Florida I can’t help but remember my father who passed away from a heart attack while on vacation (in Florida) seven years ago. He himself was a health care practitioner, but not a person with a particularly healthy lifestyle. Instead of fearing potential doom from “bad genes” I choose to take responsibility for how I treat my body NOW. I understand the effect of accumulated stress on the body and feel that this accumulation is what takes the good years away from people. It is not our job to tell people what should be high on their values, but if you do want to be healthy then you’ll need to surround yourself with the right team. Your health is something that requires attention now so you can enjoy the later years. Think about what’s REALLY important to you and take an action step today.
Dr. Jason Plotsky
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Controlled Breathing
One of the ways to help balance the body is through proper breathing. There are two parts to the autonomic nervous system: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Power of the Subconscious Mind
What you think about you bring about. Sounds like a pretty bold statement, doesn't it? What if it were true? I have been studying the power of the subconscious mind for a few years now and it is intriguing and mysterious subject. Philosophers have been talking about the power of the mind for thousands of years. I read a short book from James Allen called As a Man Thinketh that was written over a hundred years ago. Most people have heard of Napoleon Hill or some of his classic books. Anyone heard of Tony Robbins? This subconscious mind is the topic of many books.
So why am I writing about this? I have found that linking your subconscious mind to your health goals can be an important part of recovery. I've heard of situations where a doctor gives a terminal patient 90 days to live and that's exactly what happens. Coincidence? That's up to you to decide but when you see hundreds of examples of this you may begin to see the relevance. We also have many patients that have been told there's nothing that can be done about a certain health condition or that they'll just have to live with it. This can be detrimental to a person's recovery if it isn't true.
When you study the human body and realize how complex it is and how everything is coordinated and controlled, it truly is amazing. There are thousands of biochemical reactions that occur everyday, millions of cells that are being replaced or rejuvenated and a constant breaking down and building up. The human body can do amazing things and we only know a small percentage of all its capabilities. Therefore, I am always hesitant to tell somebody that they cannot be helped or that a condition is permanent unless I know for sure it is true.
Miracles happen everyday. One of the most powerful recoveries I have read about is from a man named Morris E. Goodman (aka "the Miracle Man" -- google him, it's a great story). He was a very successful insurance salesman and owned his own plane. One day he was flying and it suddenly crashed. He broke his neck very high up which left him unable to do anything on his own except blink. To make a long story short he was obviously told he would never walk again but he decided in his mind that he was going to walk out of that hospital on his own within a certain time frame. Everyone thought he was crazy and this seemed like an impossible goal. But he did not accept any other possibility. He believed so strongly that he was going to get well and he saw himself walking out of that hospital. To every one's surprise (except his own) he achieved his goal in the time he set and walked out on his own 2 feet.
So when you read of stories like this or people beating cancer against all odds you start to see that the mind must have some effect on the healing process. They say you move in the direction of your most dominant thought. What is yours? I suggest you give some thought to this if you are trying to achieve certain health goals or recover from a condition or illness. Some people use visualization techniques and see themselves doing something they'd love to do and haven't done in years. Others will make lists of things they want to do and put that list in place they can see everyday. Both are powerful ways to bring some direction into your life.
If you don't have a good map how will you get to the place you want to be? So watch your thoughts very closely. Focus on what you want instead of what you don't want. It will produce a different effect in your life. Find some other "miracle" stories and you will see the connection to a strong belief in a full recovery. Harness the power of your subconscious mind and you will see the difference it can make in your life.
Dr. Jason Plotsky