Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Controlled Breathing

One of the ways to help balance the body is through proper breathing. There are two parts to the autonomic nervous system: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic.

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the fight or flight response in the body. This was originally designed to help us flee from danger. Now this response is triggered from daily stressors (such as the boss, boyfriend, driving). This stress response circulates stress hormones in the body which over time can become harmful to your health. This response also has a negative impact on the muscles and joints in the body.

The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for functions like digestion. Therefore when our body is stuck in the fight or flight response it can also affect things like our digestion. Most people that are caught in this fight or flight response will benefit from deep breathing exercises.

When breathing is focused on the diaphragm it helps fill the lower area of the lungs which can help oxygenate the blood. Breathing from the diaphragm also stimulates parasympathetic nerves which can directly reduce the sympathetic response.

We recommend controlled breathing in cycles of 4 seconds. For example, breathing deeply and slowly for four seconds, hold this breath in for four seconds, release the breath slowly for four seconds and hold it out for four seconds. This is one cycle. Perform 4 cycles three to four times a day and additionally when ever you feel stressed.

When you are breathing properly, if your hand was on your lower abdomen you would feel movement. This will ensure that the breath is coming from the lower abdomen.

This exercise is also helpful for people with neck pain, because it helps reduce stress on the neck muscles that attach to the upper ribs.

Dr. Jason Plotsky

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