Monday, October 25, 2010

Total Life Fitness

With all the attention-grabbing and energy-zapping stimuli in the world today, Total Life Fitness and Wellness is the only option. When your physical fitness and wellness systems are not 100%, all areas of life are affected.

From a broader perspective, Total Life Fitness and Wellness involves more than a body fitness program. For example, if our relationship with our partner is off-center, the imbalance would surely affect our energy levels and overall wellness. Similarly when any area our lives are chaotic a fitness program is not going to be sustained. There is wisdom in looking at multiple facets of your life and addressing each area if true Total Life Fitness and Wellness is the aim.

Total Life fitness is achieved when you empower yourself in all seven areas of life, i.e. physical, mental, career, financial, spiritual, familial and social. Any area of your life you have not empowered (gained fitness in) someone else will overpower you in. By dissolving fear and guilt (which disempowers) and awakening gratitude and appreciation for who you are, you will naturally expand fitness in all areas and reach for higher standards. It is from the foundation of total life fitness that you are better able to clarify your purpose, dissolve conflict, raise self-worth and therefore net-worth, enhance immune function, dissolves stress and have a greater sense of strength and power.

The pain of regret fair outweighs the effort of designing your life and committing to your dreams so start working towards total life fitness today.

Dr. Demartini (

Monday, October 18, 2010

Stress to Success Secrets

Of course you know that stress impacts your life - everyone knows that. But what if you could turn that stress into success? What kind of life could you then lead?

The first step to achieving a more successful and fulfilling life is to alleviate stress. The list below comprises the 31 secrets that are your steps to success.

You may be wondering, why are they called "secrets"? Even though some people have heard many of these statements before, few seem to take them to heart and live by them. Their wisdom is simple yet profound, and they are the secrets of the individuals who live more self-actualized lives. Those who implement these secrets daily enjoy empowering inspiration.

Stress-to-Success Secrets

On a daily basis:

1. Write and read your goals.
2. Clear away your goal's obstacles.
3. Prioritize your activities.
4. Act on top priorities.
5. Visualize your success.
6. Write and read your affirmations.
7. Practice deep breathing and stretching.
8. Do selective and collective reading.
9. Groom for success.
10. Dress for success.
11. Love what you do and do what you love.
12. Surround yourself with 'succeeders'.
13. Drink lots of water.
14. Eat light, moderate meals.
15. Reduce the four 'addictors' - coffee, cigarettes, alcohol and sugar.
16. Contract and then relax all muscles.
17. Help others fulfill their goals.
18. Save 5 to 10 percent of your earnings.
19. Write three thank-you letters.
20. Reward yourself for your accomplishments.
21. Express feelings of love.
22. Hug someone special.
23. Clean and organize your environment.
24. Eliminate low-priority 'non-necessities'.
25. Study the subject you'd love to master.
26. Spend time in total meditative silence.
27. Massage your body or scalp.
28. Take a hot bath before retiring.
29. Count your blessings with gratitude.
30. Get a good night's rest.
31. Follow a Stress-to Success Checklist

Dr. Demartini (

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Art of Saying No

For some people saying 'no' is really difficult. They find it more daunting than looking after kids, running a business or even climbing a mountain. How often have you found your head screaming 'no' and your mouth articulating 'yes'? Then you are angry with yourself afterward.

Saying ‘no' when you actually mean 'no' will not only boost your confidence, it sends a message to those around you that your time and energy is just as valuable as theirs and is to be respected.

Reasons why some people find it hard to say the 'no' word:
They do not want to feel guilty
They are fearful of what the other person will think or feel
They have been conditioned to think saying no is cynical or negative
They worry they will miss out on future opportunities

Three ways to master the art of saying 'No'

Buy yourself some time - Rather than simply blurt out 'yes' request time to think about it, may be even sleep on it overnight. This will indicate upfront that you may not be able to make that commitment.

Be Honest with Yourself - Take the time to ask yourself on a scale of 1-10 how much do I really want to do this? If you find it is less than five then consider saying 'no'. It may feel uncomfortable, but it will save you the feeling of deep resentment later when you find yourself doing something you don't want to do.

Realise it is okay to say 'no' - It is important to value yourself, your own needs and desires. Saying 'no' may cause anger to others initially, but it soon turns to respect.

Dr. Demartini (